My Pole Journey

My Pole Journey (in 600 words or less)
Written by: Jordan Mazur

“How long have you been doing this?”

This is a question a lot of beginning students ask me. And the answer is now over a decade! And prior to that I’ve been dancing since I was….(yikes!)…3. It’s been quite a journey, and I know there’s still so much more, and that makes me so excited to think about! But it all started back in 2009 in a studio that was having its first open house, Studio Venus. This studio started as a home (read: garage) studio with two poles, no mirrors, and dim, red lighting. I was in awe of and in love with the space from day one, and it gave me an outlet to enjoy amazing movement for the sake of movement with zero expectations in the midst of getting a dance degree.

Here are a few highlights since then!


In 2010 I joined a pole troupe called Pole Dance Addiction out of Indianapolis, IN. We performed weekly performances at The Jukebox Live in Franklin, IN and toured a few shows with the rock band Pragmatic. So much of my pole journey in learning new tricks happened at The Jukebox when the 3-4 of us would stay and figure out new tricks after performing all night. I remember learning my first allegra (that’s it on the left!!) and feeling like I was going to break into at least three pieces and maybe never breathe again…

In 2011, after graduating college, I moved to Columbia, Missouri to dance with the Missouri Contemporary Ballet. After finding no pole outlets for me, I was convinced to teach some classes out of my living room. There, in 2012, Muse Pole Fitness was born. While I was convinced no one wanted to come learn in this tiny space in a townhouse, Columbia proved me wrong as a full schedule was built around the two 8’ poles, carpeted floors, and lamp with a little red fabric over it. Oh, and a kitten that liked to break out and join the fun!


In 2013 I competed in my first pole competition, the Venus Pole Festival. This was a pre-qualifier for the Midwest Pole Dance Championships, and, while there was another regional qualifier held closer in St. Louis, this one happened to be at the newest location of my home studio, Studio Venus. I tentatively applied, hoping to get in, and was so honored to not only be accepted, but win second place. This advanced me to the final competition and my first elite competition experience. I also met some amazing pole friends that I still have to this day.

Between these two competitions, I was promoted in the ballet company, and Muse expanded into its commercial location, starting only with the scarlet studio (though you can hardly recognize how it looked when I got it!). It was my goal to keep the homey feel, and that is the room that will always most feel like “home.” If you’re ever wondering, that is why every Pole Kitten class is scheduled in that room, to provide the warmest feelings, complete with feel-good lighting and a cozy futon!


Since , there it has been a whirlwind of shows, competitions, and more expansions. I’m so lucky to have a team of amazing women by my side to keep the studio alive and growing, and am so fortunate to have such incredible and awesome students coming in the doors every day. It truly is a dream job to spend every day at Muse.

Jordan Mazur