You're Never Too __________ To Try Pole
You’re Never Too ___________ To Try Pole
Written by: Laura Lee Rose
I started pole dancing when I was 56 years old. That was 3.5 years ago. It’s the first fitness activity that I’ve ever stuck with (other than just walking in the summertime) in my life. I’m here to tell you that you can make all the excuses you can think of, but it won’t matter.
Here are a few I’ve heard. I’m too. . .
. . . fat, uncoordinated, old, embarrassed, accident-prone, scared
And yes, those all were my excuses. I’m now 60 years old and I average one visit to Muse Pole Fitness every week. As soon as I retire from my job that requires way too much traveling, I’m going to be there much more often. Here are some of the reasons I love pole and Muse, in particular.
You will meet folks of all shapes and sizes, and they are all doing things that no one, including themselves, would have thought possible. Pole is a great equalizer, and the wonderful thing about it, is that there are specific levels to aspire to. But if you stay in Level 1 or 2 for years (that’s me!) it’s okay.
You will not find a more accepting and encouraging group of people. You’ll always feel safe and inspired and when you get some move you’ve been working on there WILL be cheering, high fives and celebratory twerking.
It’s a great workout. When I started pole, I had bruises in places I didn’t know you could bruise, and sore muscles I didn’t know I possessed. But man it feels good.
It makes people look at you differently. I teach Sunday School and play piano at church, and I’m very open with family, friends, and co-workers about my love of pole. As I told my husband when I first broached the subject, this is exercise, not a career change.
That being said, it will make you feel sexy. It helps you appreciate your body and what it can do and gives you amazing confidence (not that I ever lacked that).
I’m sure there are many other reasons, but I’m speaking to those of you who are on the fence about taking up this amazing thing called pole fitness: Do it. There are no excuses.